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From degraded soil to productive forests

The opportunity for change does not always come to small and medium farmers, currently there are more than 3 million farmers without technical guidance and financial possibility to change or improve their management and cultivation techniques.

At the same time, extensive monoculture practices and inefficient livestock farming have led to more than 70 million hectares of degraded soils in Brazil.

New life stories

Partnering with small and medium-sized farmers is transforming degraded land into productive forests, which once established will produce food for decades.

We've built an agricultural ecosystem that brings security to producers and stimulates businesses and technologies creation along a new agroforestry production chain.

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Ecossistema agroecológico



Conectamos bancos, empresas e fundos de investimento para desenvolver agroflorestas



Cuidamos da implantação do SAF em sua propriedade com equipes e fornecedores locais


Assistência Técnica

Trabalhamos com os melhores consultores de cada cultura

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Conectamos a sua propriedade com cadeias logísticas e estruturas de processamento

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Pesquisa agrícola

Promovemos a troca de conhecimento entre empresas, institutos e universidades

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Estabelecemos parcerias comerciais e providenciamos a compra dos produtos do SAF

Commitment with a positive impact

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B Corp

B Corps are businesses that meet the highest standards of social and environmental performance, transparency and legal responsibility.

The international certification recognizes companies that have an impact beyond profit in building a more inclusive and sustainable economy.

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UN Global Compact

It is a voluntary initiative that provides guidelines for the promotion of sustainable growth and citizenship, through committed and innovative corporate leadership.

UpLink Top Innovator

A Belterra foi selecionada pela UpLink, a plataforma de inovação do Fórum Econômico Mundial, como uma das 15 vencedoras do desafio Trilhão de Árvores: Bioeconomia na Amazônia. A iniciativa apoia mudanças sistêmicas positivas para as pessoas e o planeta.


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Valley Fund
Co-founder and Key Venture Investor

Fundo Vale is a promotion and investment fund created in 2009 by Vale, which strategically allocates resources to support and strengthen businesses with a positive socio-environmental impact.

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Good Energies Foundation

The Good Energies Foundation funds social organizations and businesses that work to reverse climate change by supporting programs in two areas: access to clean energy and protection of tropical forests.

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